Anime are a type cartoons produced by Japan animation. The first type of Anime was created in Japan in 1917. There are five different types of anime such as shonen, shojo, seinen, josei, and kodomomuke. The Shonen type of anime depicts characters with muscles, good martial arts abilities, and other abilities that depict their strength. The Shojo anime usually target young teenage girls. Seinen manga stories are based on agitating youth. In fact, these are the ones more popular among Indian audiences. Josei movies attract women in general. Kodomomuke is aimed at targeting children from the age groups of three to ten years. Anime is known for its unique storytelling, art and depiction of characters. Few anime games gave birth to anime series like Pokemon and Dragon. They cover a number of genres such as action, supernatural, comedy, drama, tragedy, psychological, historical, military, magic, and romance. The best anime series one can watch across OTT and digital channels.
Here is the list of best anime manga series to watch for beginners on OTT platforms:
#1 Erased
Erased is a mystery anime mini TV series released in 2016. The plot is based on 29-year old Satoru Fujinuma who time travels 18 years into the past to prevent his mother’s death. There are a total of twelve episodes in the first season. The second season is officially confirmed, however the release date is not yet confirmed. Erased is one of the most-watched anime series in India.
Where: Netflix
#2 Steins Gate
Steins Gate is a science fiction based series running from 2011 to 2015. There is only one season in this series with a total of twenty-six episodes. The plot revolves around university students rise up against an evil organization. The twenty-second episode in this series, named ” Being Meltdown”, is regarded as the best episode in the entire series.
Where: Netflix
#3 Death Note
Death Note is a psychological thriller series with thirty-seven episodes. The story is based on a teenager who finds a mysterious notebook called the Death Note. This series is inspired by the 2006 novel written by Nisio Isin. This is one such anime that is highly addictive and most-watched.
Where : Netflix
#4 Jujutsu Kaisen
Jujutsu Kaisen is an adventure and supernatural series with twenty-four episodes. The story is based on a high school student who lives with his grandfather. The second season of this series is expected to release in 2023.
Where: Netflix
#5 Attack On Titan
Attack on Titan is an action fiction series with four seasons released so far. The story is based on man-eating titans that first appeared over 104 years ago. This series has got a huge international fan base. The series is directed by Masashi Koizuka, Hayashi, and Jun Shishido.
Where: Hulu
#6 Black Clover
Black Clover is a story based on a young boy named Asta. This is an adventure and fiction fantasy with four seasons. The third season of this series is a big hit and the “Lightning of rage vs friend” episode of the series is regarded as the best of all.
Where: Netflix
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