Despite repeated warnings of stern action by State Home Minister Vangalapudi Anitha, cases of sexual assault on girls continue to rise. In a fresh incident which came to light late, a tenth standard student of the Tribal Welfare Ashram School in G Madugula mandal of ASR district was allegedly raped by a person, while two others helped the accused.
When the girl was missing from 25 December, her parents lodged a complaint with the police on 28 December. When the police traced the girl in ASR district, she alleged sexual assault.
According to the police, POCSO case was registered against the main accused and two others for helping him. The main accused was identified as Malleswara Rao.
Two others – P Sanyasi Rao and a minor boy – helped him. Sanyasi Rao was taken into custody, while the others were absconding.
According to the police father of the girl went to the school and took her for shopping on the occasion of Christmas. In the evening, he dropped her at the school.
Later, the accused allegedly took the student in an auto to Paderu, in ASR district, and ‘confined’ in a room for two days and Malleswara Rao allegedly raped her. The police said that the two other accused would be nabbed soon.
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This article is written by Senior Journalist Lakkoju Nagesh Babu
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