A two-year-old boy, who was reportedly kidnapped in Simhachalam on Monday, has been rescued after the Visakhapatnam police busted the kidnap case. Subsequently, the accused was taken into custody for further interrogation. The accused was identified as Shekar, a native of Paderu, Visakhapatnam by the victim’s mother.
The toddler’s mother, N Kanthamma, a resident of Gunduvilli village of Hukumpet Mandal in Paderu, identified the accused as Shekar, who is also a native of Paderu. Kanthamma, owing to the differences with her husband, befriended Shekar after finding comfort in his honey-laced words. On Sunday night, she informed him regarding her impending visit to Simhachalam on the following day. After receiving the woman and her son at Visakha Dwaraka bus station, on Monday, the convict took them to the holy shrine of Varaha Narasimha Swamy at Simhachalam.
After completing darshan, the child’s mother had left the boy and their luggage with Shekar briefly. After returning, she found both Shekar and her son to be missing. Kanthamma immediately hurried to the Gopalapatnam police station, where she registered a missing complaint.
Following this, the local police launched a rigorous search operation and got hold of the convict’s call records and CCTV footage at the last seen location. Soon, they tracked down Sekhar, who has been accused of the kidnap, in the Arilova area and handed over the child to his mother.
This post was last modified on 07/08/2019 4:04 pm
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