Categories: News/City Updates

Vizag Wishlist

As the Gregorian calendar marked the start of a brand new 2016, thought leaders of Vizag voice their hopes, wishes and aspirations for our Smart City in the New Year.

G. Sambhasiva Rao
Managing Director
Sravan Shipping Services Pvt Ltd

‘I want Vizag to be a clean and green city.’

I wish that people will maintain footpath and road discipline. Roads are meant for moving vehicles, not for parking or unauthorized usage. I want Vizag to be a clean and green city. After the Partnership summit, I hope to see more investments coming into this area with more tourists using our facilities. Our tourism activities need to improve. Through this, our youth will get better employment opportunities and the economy will improve. We needn’t bother with what we’ve lost, but as a team we can all work for the improvement of firstly our city, then our district and finally our state and nation, so as to have a better position in world ranking.


Dr. Meenakshi Anantram

‘We should work towards building ‘Brand Vizag.’

I wish that the city opens up more entertainment avenues by making the beach a more public place with commercial activities. We have more than ample creative talents in our city and I hope we are harnessed fruitfully in the days to come. I hope that at least, a fraction of the promises made by all the politicians come through for Vizag. Permissions should become easy, so tourism can boom. I wish that with the International Fleet Review and such mega events, Vizag becomes an international location in terms of a preferred destination for the discerning corporates and business honchos. Vizag should be safer and work friendly and the system should work harder to make ‘Brand Vizag’, which should be different and more meaningful than just “Mana Vizag”. Time for our city to wake up and become part of the glory it has been dreaming of for the last few decades. Let’s do it!


Srinivas Babu Panchava
Managing Director, Rockdale Hotels & Resorts

‘Tourism in Vizag will pick up if cleanliness is maintained.’

The government working towards turning Vizag into a major tourist destination is my wish. I’m looking forward to the implementation of anti-littering and anti-defecating laws. We are blessed with an abundance of nature and natural beauty, we must ensure the beach is well maintained and the garbage and drains don’t end up in the beach. Tourism will pick up by itself if these measures are taken.


Poonam Shah Srinath,
Founder, Teenyboppers Playschool and Kindergarten & Regional Chair, CII – YI

‘I see 2016 as being the “sunrise” year.’

I see Vizag creating more avenues for setting up manufacturing industries, more entrepreneurial initiatives, and a cleaner & greener city which will all be steps in the right direction towards a smarter city. With the recent CII partnership summit held at Vizag with the Government of Andhra Pradesh, I see many investors pledging funds & committing to the growth of the city as well as the state. The International Fleet Review in February at Vizag will be our big opportunity to mark & market our city on the global map. I think that we as citizens of Vizag should take this opportunity to ensure that we showcase every single opportunity Vizag has for everyone. I see 2016 as being the “sunrise” year for a smarter & better Vizag, with the government & administration providing tremendous potential for unprecedented growth.


Murali Krishna G.S
Phoenix IT Solutions Ltd

‘I wish that Vizag will become a role model’

I wish that Vizag will,

  • Make it to the first list of smart cities to be funded in this year and to be announced by MoUD on 26th Jan.
  • Become a role model for Swachh Bharat for the rest of the cities in the country to emulate.
    Be included in the national Air Quality Index monitoring.
  • Produce at least 100 start ups in this year.
  •  See work on the international airport commencing this year, and Also see the development of a large international convention center, somewhere close to the international airport.


Dr. Varma Vegesna
Lazarus Hospitals

‘I wish to see Vizag getting traction on tourism and of course medical facilities.’

I am very satisfied with the year starting with the recent CII Partnership summit 2016 and look forward to take CII Vizag & AP further to attract investments. I wish we dedicate this year to follow on the GoAP to reasonably reach the goals of MOUs for further mega events in early 2017, at the 23rd CII summit. I wish to see Vizag getting traction on tourism and of course medical facilities.
Sohan Hatangadi
Environmentalist & member of INTACH

‘I wish that in 2016 we take a deep collective breath and delve deep into our conscience.’

By virtue of its strategic location, natural assets and a talented work pool, Vizag has become one the most important cities of Andhra Pradesh and is firmly on the road to accelerated development.
There is a strong desire to industrialize and modernize our city. Yet Vizag’s quintessential charm is its inherent natural beauty. It is blessed with a fascinating history and is home to some of the most important heritage spots from early Buddhist times to our more recent colonial history. Its panoramic landscape stretches from the sea to the mountains in a topography that is unique and fascinating. It is home to diverse ethnic people who have lived off the sea and from the dense forests of the Eastern Ghats for thousands of years. It hosts flora and fauna that is unsurpassed in the Eastern coast. I wish this year Vizagites mature as citizens to know the difference between  temporary euphoria and long term environmental responsibility. I wish that in 2016 we take a deep collective breath and delve deep into our conscience. Are we leaving our little part of planet Earth a better place for our children? This year we speak up!


Dr. Himabindu Gaddipati
Clinical Oncologist/Geneticist

‘ It is only through collective efforts that our dream for a more vibrant, sustainable and safer city can be achieved.’

Due to initiatives being led by the State and Central Governments as well as local factors it is clear that our city is poised for further growth and development in 2016. However, we must reflect on the many cautionary examples that show the effects of unstructured growth in other cities that have failed to safeguard important aspects such as cleanliness, pollution, environmental conservation or ensuring public safety. The focus should therefore be on achieving comprehensive development while accounting for these essential social elements. Such inclusive growth can only be achieved by greater and more cohesive engagement as a community. Each one of us in isolation can only accomplish a limited amount. However, in aggregate such initiatives can create much greater impact. Through public platforms we could create common agendas, targets and mechanisms for monitoring and showcasing successful efforts. It is only through collective efforts that our dream for a more vibrant, sustainable and safer city can be achieved.


G S Shiv Kumar
Vice Chairman, CII Andhra Pradesh

“Vizag should become a convention center of AP and a venue for mini Davos.”

After the resounding success of the Partnership Summit, it would be a good start if atleast a percentage of the investments that were promised materialize. I wish that the new industries being set up in Vizag generate more meaningful employment to the locals. The CM announced another Partnership Summit in Vizag and I hope it happens before January 2017 so that the progress of work can be reviewed and evaluated. The place where the summit happened should be turned into a permanent venue for such future events. It can also be turned into a mini Davos to host Business and Political elites during the winter season when the city is in festive mood and has best of the climate. Vizag should be turned into a convention center for the state of AP. The existing airport should be expanded before the new one comes in to accommodate more domestic and international arrivals. More global air connectivity should be offered from Vizag to increase the investments.


RVS Raju
RHI Clasil Ltd President

‘I would like to see the beaches opened up for tourism related activity.’

I would like to see the beaches opened up for tourism related activity. The mass transit system needs to be made more efficient so that it can handle the influx of people travelling everyday from the city to the industrial areas and pharma city in the outskirts. I also wish that the local municipal laws are mended to provide more parking areas in commercial complexes.


Managing Director,
Pavan Buildtech Projects Private Limited

‘The clean surroundings inspire civic sense and discipline.’

I would like to see the clean Vizag that has been prepared for the IFR and the partnership summit maintained by the civic authorities. The clean surroundings inspire civic sense and discipline. The government should ensure that whatever has been committed in the partnership summit materialises. Government bureaucratic hierarchies should be avoided and entrepreneurs should be allowed to launch their projects. Once these are done, the rest follow automatically. During the summit, people were impressed with how the city looked and it built a confidence in them. The government should be pro-active in maintaining that. Tourism in Vizag has to take off, nothing seems to have taken off so far despite the potential. The coastline should be utilized for the same, atleast a 2KM stretch of it, as it would not be hard to monitor. Temporary shacks can be put up by the beach.
Krishna Reddy
Swati Promoters

‘The radius of the city should be expanded.’

Vizag – with its tag line “The city of destiny” “ should be made the beach tourism destiny of
India. The traffic problem can be solved to a certain extent by building new flyovers at NAD
Junction, Satyam Junction, Maddilapalem junction and MVP Junction. This has to be tackled with
priority. The radius of the city should be expanded by incorporating the outskirts to
make our Vizag a mega city and this can be achieved by getting a metro train project linking
its far ends. It should be developed as the most eco-friendly city by
eliminating plastic usage and encouraging alternatives. Finally we should get the prestigious status
of being the smart city of India.


Neeraj Sarda
Chairman CII Vizag Zone
Director, Sarda Metals & Alloys Ltd

‘What is required is focus and the will to get it done.’

I personally feel the following will be game changers for Vizag’s socio-economic DNA if any of these can materialise in 2016:

  • Construction of iconic Plug & Play IT Towers as planned by the State Government. This will boost the IT scene in the city and will in turn change the dynamics of the city.
  • Sunrise Startup Village coming out with at least a Rs 100 crore idea from Vizag which will bring Vizag in PE/Venture Fund Radar.
  • Beginning of work on the biggest MICE centre in Vizag to accommodate 5000 to 10000 people.
  • One mega beach tourism anchor project
  • The new Vizag airport & a cruise terminal

I feel these are all the low hanging fruits which are doable and within the state administrations ambit, what is required is focus and the will to get it done.


Rana Uppalapati
Business Associate,
Titan Company Limited

‘While there will be more people, I wish for the spirit of oneness, respect and understanding to burn bright.’

It is difficult to know what to wish for Vizag for someone who was born and raised here in its pristine days, now at a time when it is on the threshold of development. While the recently concluded corporate events have been promising, with the IFR adding reason to make the city splendid, I wish for Vizag to find balance between its identity as the quaint little home it has been and as the buzzing mini-metro it is fast transitioning into. The city sure is destined for more, but the differentiating aspect has been blending modern conveniences and aspirations with the old world charm and sense of preservation. ‎

While there will be more educational institutions, I wish children will still be able to walk to school. While there will be more industries and vehicles, I wish citizens will still be able to preserve the city’s environment. While there will be more events and avenues, I wish people will be able to move around town without traffic snarls. While there will be a progress in diversity of culture and skill, I wish for the founding values to be retained. While there will be more people, I wish for the spirit of oneness, respect and understanding to burn bright.
K.V Bhaskar
Vizag Profiles Group

‘We need to improve our infrastructure and skills.’

As a businessman, I wish that Andhra Pradesh becomes the most-preferred business destination in Asia. More importantly, Vizag should offer the best ease of doing business in the true sense. I wish the government acts as a facilitator for bringing in really large investments into the state, as well as the country. We need to improve our infrastructure and skills. I look forward to the creation of an industry-friendly atmosphere. Manufacturing industries are employment creators and revenue generators, and I hope to see them revived in 2016. I look for an increase in thrust on tourism too. For this I wish we invite experts from the world over to bring in technology and establish a hygienic environment for people to visit our state and take part in its development.

As the Gregorian calendar marked the start of a brand new 2016, thought leaders of Vizag voice their hopes, wishes and aspirations for our Smart City in the New Year.

G. Sambhasiva Rao
Managing Director
Sravan Shipping Services Pvt Ltd

‘I want Vizag to be a clean and green city.’

I wish that people will maintain footpath and road discipline. Roads are meant for moving vehicles, not for parking or unauthorized usage. I want Vizag to be a clean and green city. After the Partnership summit, I hope to see more investments coming into this area with more tourists using our facilities. Our tourism activities need to improve. Through this, our youth will get better employment opportunities and the economy will improve. We needn’t bother with what we’ve lost, but as a team we can all work for the improvement of firstly our city, then our district and finally our state and nation, so as to have a better position in world ranking.


Dr. Meenakshi Anantram

‘We should work towards building ‘Brand Vizag.’

I wish that the city opens up more entertainment avenues by making the beach a more public place with commercial activities. We have more than ample creative talents in our city and I hope we are harnessed fruitfully in the days to come. I hope that at least, a fraction of the promises made by all the politicians come through for Vizag. Permissions should become easy, so tourism can boom. I wish that with the International Fleet Review and such mega events, Vizag becomes an international location in terms of a preferred destination for the discerning corporates and business honchos. Vizag should be safer and work friendly and the system should work harder to make ‘Brand Vizag’, which should be different and more meaningful than just “Mana Vizag”. Time for our city to wake up and become part of the glory it has been dreaming of for the last few decades. Let’s do it!


Srinivas Babu Panchava
Managing Director, Rockdale Hotels & Resorts

‘Tourism in Vizag will pick up if cleanliness is maintained.’

The government working towards turning Vizag into a major tourist destination is my wish. I’m looking forward to the implementation of anti-littering and anti-defecating laws. We are blessed with an abundance of nature and natural beauty, we must ensure the beach is well maintained and the garbage and drains don’t end up in the beach. Tourism will pick up by itself if these measures are taken.


Poonam Shah Srinath,
Founder, Teenyboppers Playschool and Kindergarten & Regional Chair, CII – YI

‘I see 2016 as being the “sunrise” year.’

I see Vizag creating more avenues for setting up manufacturing industries, more entrepreneurial initiatives, and a cleaner & greener city which will all be steps in the right direction towards a smarter city. With the recent CII partnership summit held at Vizag with the Government of Andhra Pradesh, I see many investors pledging funds & committing to the growth of the city as well as the state. The International Fleet Review in February at Vizag will be our big opportunity to mark & market our city on the global map. I think that we as citizens of Vizag should take this opportunity to ensure that we showcase every single opportunity Vizag has for everyone. I see 2016 as being the “sunrise” year for a smarter & better Vizag, with the government & administration providing tremendous potential for unprecedented growth.


Murali Krishna G.S
Phoenix IT Solutions Ltd

‘I wish that Vizag will become a role model’

I wish that Vizag will,

  • Make it to the first list of smart cities to be funded in this year and to be announced by MoUD on 26th Jan.
  • Become a role model for Swachh Bharat for the rest of the cities in the country to emulate.
    Be included in the national Air Quality Index monitoring.
  • Produce at least 100 start ups in this year.
  •  See work on the international airport commencing this year, and Also see the development of a large international convention center, somewhere close to the international airport.


Dr. Varma Vegesna
Lazarus Hospitals

‘I wish to see Vizag getting traction on tourism and of course medical facilities.’

I am very satisfied with the year starting with the recent CII Partnership summit 2016 and look forward to take CII Vizag & AP further to attract investments. I wish we dedicate this year to follow on the GoAP to reasonably reach the goals of MOUs for further mega events in early 2017, at the 23rd CII summit. I wish to see Vizag getting traction on tourism and of course medical facilities.
Sohan Hatangadi
Environmentalist & member of INTACH

‘I wish that in 2016 we take a deep collective breath and delve deep into our conscience.’

By virtue of its strategic location, natural assets and a talented work pool, Vizag has become one the most important cities of Andhra Pradesh and is firmly on the road to accelerated development.
There is a strong desire to industrialize and modernize our city. Yet Vizag’s quintessential charm is its inherent natural beauty. It is blessed with a fascinating history and is home to some of the most important heritage spots from early Buddhist times to our more recent colonial history. Its panoramic landscape stretches from the sea to the mountains in a topography that is unique and fascinating. It is home to diverse ethnic people who have lived off the sea and from the dense forests of the Eastern Ghats for thousands of years. It hosts flora and fauna that is unsurpassed in the Eastern coast. I wish this year Vizagites mature as citizens to know the difference between  temporary euphoria and long term environmental responsibility. I wish that in 2016 we take a deep collective breath and delve deep into our conscience. Are we leaving our little part of planet Earth a better place for our children? This year we speak up!


Dr. Himabindu Gaddipati
Clinical Oncologist/Geneticist

‘ It is only through collective efforts that our dream for a more vibrant, sustainable and safer city can be achieved.’

Due to initiatives being led by the State and Central Governments as well as local factors it is clear that our city is poised for further growth and development in 2016. However, we must reflect on the many cautionary examples that show the effects of unstructured growth in other cities that have failed to safeguard important aspects such as cleanliness, pollution, environmental conservation or ensuring public safety. The focus should therefore be on achieving comprehensive development while accounting for these essential social elements. Such inclusive growth can only be achieved by greater and more cohesive engagement as a community. Each one of us in isolation can only accomplish a limited amount. However, in aggregate such initiatives can create much greater impact. Through public platforms we could create common agendas, targets and mechanisms for monitoring and showcasing successful efforts. It is only through collective efforts that our dream for a more vibrant, sustainable and safer city can be achieved.


G S Shiv Kumar
Vice Chairman, CII Andhra Pradesh

“Vizag should become a convention center of AP and a venue for mini Davos.”

After the resounding success of the Partnership Summit, it would be a good start if atleast a percentage of the investments that were promised materialize. I wish that the new industries being set up in Vizag generate more meaningful employment to the locals. The CM announced another Partnership Summit in Vizag and I hope it happens before January 2017 so that the progress of work can be reviewed and evaluated. The place where the summit happened should be turned into a permanent venue for such future events. It can also be turned into a mini Davos to host Business and Political elites during the winter season when the city is in festive mood and has best of the climate. Vizag should be turned into a convention center for the state of AP. The existing airport should be expanded before the new one comes in to accommodate more domestic and international arrivals. More global air connectivity should be offered from Vizag to increase the investments.


RVS Raju
RHI Clasil Ltd President

‘I would like to see the beaches opened up for tourism related activity.’

I would like to see the beaches opened up for tourism related activity. The mass transit system needs to be made more efficient so that it can handle the influx of people travelling everyday from the city to the industrial areas and pharma city in the outskirts. I also wish that the local municipal laws are mended to provide more parking areas in commercial complexes.


Managing Director,
Pavan Buildtech Projects Private Limited

‘The clean surroundings inspire civic sense and discipline.’

I would like to see the clean Vizag that has been prepared for the IFR and the partnership summit maintained by the civic authorities. The clean surroundings inspire civic sense and discipline. The government should ensure that whatever has been committed in the partnership summit materialises. Government bureaucratic hierarchies should be avoided and entrepreneurs should be allowed to launch their projects. Once these are done, the rest follow automatically. During the summit, people were impressed with how the city looked and it built a confidence in them. The government should be pro-active in maintaining that. Tourism in Vizag has to take off, nothing seems to have taken off so far despite the potential. The coastline should be utilized for the same, atleast a 2KM stretch of it, as it would not be hard to monitor. Temporary shacks can be put up by the beach.
Krishna Reddy

Swati Promoters

‘The radius of the city should be expanded.’

Vizag – with its tag line “The city of destiny” “ should be made the beach tourism destiny of
India. The traffic problem can be solved to a certain extent by building new flyovers at NAD
Junction, Satyam Junction, Maddilapalem junction and MVP Junction. This has to be tackled with
priority. The radius of the city should be expanded by incorporating the outskirts to
make our Vizag a mega city and this can be achieved by getting a metro train project linking
its far ends. It should be developed as the most eco-friendly city by
eliminating plastic usage and encouraging alternatives. Finally we should get the prestigious status
of being the smart city of India.


Neeraj Sarda
Chairman CII Vizag Zone
Director, Sarda Metals & Alloys Ltd

‘What is required is focus and the will to get it done.’

I personally feel the following will be game changers for Vizag’s socio-economic DNA if any of these can materialise in 2016:

  • Construction of iconic Plug & Play IT Towers as planned by the State Government. This will boost the IT scene in the city and will in turn change the dynamics of the city.
  • Sunrise Startup Village coming out with at least a Rs 100 crore idea from Vizag which will bring Vizag in PE/Venture Fund Radar.
  • Beginning of work on the biggest MICE centre in Vizag to accommodate 5000 to 10000 people.
  • One mega beach tourism anchor project
  • The new Vizag airport & a cruise terminal

I feel these are all the low hanging fruits which are doable and within the state administrations ambit, what is required is focus and the will to get it done.


Rana Uppalapati
Business Associate,
Titan Company Limited

‘While there will be more people, I wish for the spirit of oneness, respect and understanding to burn bright.’

It is difficult to know what to wish for Vizag for someone who was born and raised here in its pristine days, now at a time when it is on the threshold of development. While the recently concluded corporate events have been promising, with the IFR adding reason to make the city splendid, I wish for Vizag to find balance between its identity as the quaint little home it has been and as the buzzing mini-metro it is fast transitioning into. The city sure is destined for more, but the differentiating aspect has been blending modern conveniences and aspirations with the old world charm and sense of preservation. ‎

While there will be more educational institutions, I wish children will still be able to walk to school. While there will be more industries and vehicles, I wish citizens will still be able to preserve the city’s environment. While there will be more events and avenues, I wish people will be able to move around town without traffic snarls. While there will be a progress in diversity of culture and skill, I wish for the founding values to be retained. While there will be more people, I wish for the spirit of oneness, respect and understanding to burn bright.
K.V Bhaskar
Vizag Profiles Group

‘We need to improve our infrastructure and skills.’

As a businessman, I wish that Andhra Pradesh becomes the most-preferred business destination in Asia. More importantly, Vizag should offer the best ease of doing business in the true sense. I wish the government acts as a facilitator for bringing in really large investments into the state, as well as the country. We need to improve our infrastructure and skills. I look forward to the creation of an industry-friendly atmosphere. Manufacturing industries are employment creators and revenue generators, and I hope to see them revived in 2016. I look for an increase in thrust on tourism too. For this I wish we invite experts from the world over to bring in technology and establish a hygienic environment for people to visit our state and take part in its development.

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